A Message from the Liberia Reads! Country Director
Education is the bedrock for the progress and advancement of every human society. For a nation like Liberia which is emerging from a difficult recent past and striving to take its rightful place among the comity of nations, the importance of education cannot be overemphasized. However, for education to serve as the foundation for the advancement of human society, it must be of quality, and the quality must begin from the foundation. A child with strong foundational literacy skills has a better prospect of going farther in education than the one with a weak foundation. This is why the Association of Literacy Educators has been involved in improving the quality of education in Liberia over the last ten years through the promotion of literacy education.
To all of our teachers, principals, supervisors, coaches, and other literacy educators in Liberia who are working diligently to shift the paradigm of education in Liberia, I am thankful. To other well-meaning individuals who believe in what we do, we ask that you please join us.
Thank You.
Siaffa Korkoyah
Who We Are
ALE is a registered Liberian NGO and professional literacy organization founded in 2011 and headquartered in Lakpazee, Monrovia. It is an affiliate in good standing of the International Literacy Association. Membership is open to teachers and educational leaders who have undergone intensive training in the Liberia Reads! pedagogy and methodology for ECE and the early primary grades. Currently, there are two ALE branches -- one for Montserrado/Lower Margibi and a second for Bong/Upper Margibi.
ALE organizes the annual training of more than 100-150 principals and teachers in Liberia Reads! and Liberia Reads to Learn. Beyond training, ALE holds reading workshops during the year, sponsors an inter-school reading competition, and has participated in International Literacy Day activities. ALE's membership currently includes 50 schools in good standing in the following Liberian counties: Montserrado, Margibi, Bong, Grand Bassa and Nimba. ALE is governed by by-laws and guided by an elected board of directors. It has meetings on the third Friday of each month. Dues are 100 LD ($.50 USD) a month for individual members and 1000 LD ($5.00 USD) a year for schools.
The most recent census indicates that 51% of the ALE membership is female, and 49% of the membership is male.